Sales FAQs

  • We offer three types of licence:

    Single User Licence – intended for installation on standalone PC’s or laptops. It is available via internet download and is unlocked with a USB HASP key which allows access to all the main features of Elevate.

    Express – intended for installation on standalone PC’s or laptops. It is available via internet download and is unlocked with a code which gives access to the basic features of Elevate.

    Company Licence – this type of licence has all the features of a single user licence but is leased rather than owned outright. It allows unlimited copies to be downloaded which are unlocked via a code. You can opt for either a Single Country Company Licence or a Global Company Licence depending on the number and location of end users.

  • A Single User Licence (SUL) provides access to the full version of Elevate which enables analysis of lift performance in offices, hotels, hospitals, shopping centres, residential buildings, car parks, mixed-use buildings, airports, sports and leisure complexes, schools and colleges. It can be used for modelling complex buildings or traffic patterns.

    Elevate Express allows you to analyse up peak traffic using both round trip time calculations and simulation. It is intended mainly for analysis of office buildings with a single entrance level.

    See the comparison of the features between Full and Express for more info.

  • Yes, if you let us know you’d like to upgrade we’ll then issue an invoice which can be paid by bank transfer or credit card. Once payment is received, we’ll send the USB HASP key by DHL or Royal Mail Special Delivery.

  • With a Company Licence, the software is leased rather than owned outright and allows unlimited copies to be downloaded which are unlocked via a code. If after the first year you decide not to pay the annual fee, then all installed copies must be deleted.

    A Single User Licence is purchased outright and is unlocked with a USB HASP key. The program is downloaded from our website. Towards the anniversary of your renewal date, we will be in touch asking if you wish to remain on the maintenance and support scheme. You are under no obligation to do so and the software will continue to operate. However, if you decide not to renew you would no longer be entitled to technical support or free upgrades.

  • Towards the anniversary of your renewal date, we will be in touch asking if you wish to remain on the maintenance and support scheme. You are under no obligation to do so and the software will continue to operate. However, if you do not renew you would no longer be entitled to technical support or free upgrades.

  • Yes, you will be able to re-join but you will have to pay an additional fee.

  • Maintenance includes free software upgrades.

    Technical support is normally provided by email.  Sometimes we will call you where it is easier to explain verbally or invite you to a video conference so that we can help you.  Support is not done on a time basis – for as long as is needed, we will answer questions on the software.  If the question is covered in the documentation or supporting books and papers, we will point you to that documentation.  Support does not include design advice, although we will point you to guidance documents where we think they may be relevant to you.  If you want help designing a job we will offer consultancy services.

  • The initial purchase price includes the software and the first 12 months of maintenance and support. There will also be a charge for shipping. The cost of this depends on your location.

  • Our preferred payments methods are bank transfer or card payment but we do accept cheques.

  • We accept Sterling (GBP), Euros (EUR) or US Dollars (USD). All the banking information is provided on our invoices.

  • All UK orders are subject to VAT.

    For orders from Europe and the Rest of the World, no VAT will be applied.

  • For orders from Europe and the Rest of World, any import duties and local taxes levied by the local authorities are the sole responsibility of the purchaser and should be paid directly to the appropriate authority.

  • No, we do not offer any re-seller discounts.

  • We hope you won’t want to cancel your order but if you decide within 30 days of purchasing the software does not meet your requirements, we will give you a full refund subject to the USB HASP key being returned or the unlocking code released.

  • We don’t offer demonstration versions of Elevate but if you purchase and decide within 30 days the program does not meet your requirements, we will offer a full refund (excluding any shipping costs), subject to the USB HASP key being returned or the unlocking code being released.

  • The recommended minimum specification for Elevate 9 is Windows 10.  If your PC meets the requirements to run Windows 10, it will run Elevate.

    The minimum screen resolution required is 1024 x 600 pixels.  Machines with more memory and faster processors significantly enhance the speed of analysis. 

    See the manual for more info

  • Once we’ve received payment, we’ll send you all the details on how to download your Elevate licence.

    If you’ve purchased a Single User Licence, we’ll let you know once your USB HASP Key has been dispatched and for Express and Company Licences, we’ll arrange for your unlocking codes to be issued.

  • Historically, Elevate could be run on a Mac using the desktop virtualisation software, Parallels Desktop. This appears no longer to be the case, as the Windows version now installed with Parallels is limited.  This will be addressed through the online version of Elevate, currently under development, which is platform-independent.

  • Elevate is designed to be installed on stand-alone PC’s or laptops so if you have a Single User Licence please don’t install on your company network or a virtual system. This would be a breach of the licence agreement.