About Us
Dr Richard Peters
Dr Richard Peters
Brunel University
1993 to 1997
Engineering Doctorate for research in Vertical Transportation
Southampton University
1984 to 1987
BSc Hons in Electrical Engineering
Chartered Engineer
Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology
Fellow of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers
Research Engineer, specialising in Vertical Transportation
Managing Director
Richard is the author of Elevate and the Director of Peters Research.
Richard Peters has a degree in Electrical Engineering, a Doctorate for research in Vertical Transportation, and is a Visiting Professor at the University of Northampton. He has been awarded Fellowship of the Institution of Engineering and Technology, and of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers. He is a past Chairman of the Lifts Group of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers.
Dr Peters worked for ten years with international engineering consultants Ove Arup & Partners. In 1997, he set up his own company, Peters Research Ltd to provide software development and engineering consultancy.
Dr Peters provides advice on a range of vertical transportation issues to clients and has notable expertise elevator traffic analysis, simulation and dispatching. He supports PhD students at Northampton University.
Elevate has become a worldwide industry standard, applied by more elevator professionals than any other traffic design software. Elevate is currently licensed to companies in over 60 countries. His elevator dispatching concepts and software developed using Elevate are implemented in some of the world’s most challenging projects.
1997 – present
Founder and Director of Peters Research Ltd.
Development of Elevate lift traffic analysis and simulation software. Elevate is an object oriented program written for Windows using Microsoft Visual C++.
Technical support for Elevate.
Typical consultancy projects for ThyssenKrupp include:Development of TAC50 Destination Dispatch algorithm
Conception development of optimised TWIN (2 cars, one shaft) dispatching algorithm
Conception and development of dispatching algorithms for “next generation” products
Conception and joint author of various patents
Typical consultancy projects for other clients include:Otis vs. Schindler – expert witness for patent dispute concerning relating to destination control
Belmont Lift Failure – expert witness report to analyse failure of lift which fell 500 ft
BT Tower, London – assessment of evacuation using lifts
Cabuyao Plant, Philippines – traffic design for warehouse
Euston Tower, London – traffic design
Istanbul Airport – traffic design
ITSEM College, Mexico – traffic design
Southwark Towers, London – review of lift service, advice concerning modernisation
Conception and development of evacuation dispatching algorithm
Customisation for clients using Elevate for dispatching design
1993 – 1997
Development of Liftsim, a lift simulation program using Microsoft Visual C++. This program provides an enhanced analysis of lift system performance.
Specialist advice on vertical transportation given to project and design teams. Contributions to numerous national and international projects including offices, hotels, residential buildings, hospitals and museums. Engaged as an expert witness in legal disputes concerning lifts.
Enrolled on the Environmental Technology Engineering Doctorate programme at Brunel University. The project, Vertical Transportation Planning in Buildings was sponsored by Arup and the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers.
1989 to 1993
Ongoing support and enhancements to Oasys LIFT program. General advice on lifts for projects throughout Arup.
Project Electrical Engineer for a range of national and international projects including the refurbishment of Basingstoke Shopping Centre, and the development of a new 1,000,000 ft² commercial and residential development in Cairo, Egypt.
1987 to 1989
Development of Oasys LIFT Program in FORTRAN. This programme allows an engineer to analyse the peak passenger traffic flow in a building, and so aids the selection of number, size, speed, etc. of lifts.
Assistant Project Electrical Engineer for two major new shopping centres in Norwich and Crawley. Completed Arup Graduate Training Programme during this period.
2000 to present
Member of ISO/TC178 WG6 Lifts, escalators and moving walks (Lift installation) representing The British Standards Institution.
2014 to present
Visiting Professor, Northampton University School of Science and Technology
2014 to 2020
Member of ISO TC178 SG5 reprenting The British Standards Institution in the development of development of ISO 8100-32:2020
Lifts for the transportation of persons and goods — Part 32: Planning and selection of passenger lifts to be installed in office, hotel and residential buildings2011 to present
Co-chair of the Lift and Escalator Symposium, an annual conference organised on behalf of The University of Northampton and The CIBSE Lifts Group
2011 to 2014
Research Fellow (Lift Engineering), Northampton University School of Science and Technology
2011 to present, 1996 to 1999
Secretary of CIBSE Lifts Group
2000 to 2002
Chair of CIBSE Lifts Group
1999 to 2001
Visiting Lecturer on Lift Systems, UMIST.
1996 to 1997
Convenor of Arup R&D Look Forward Group, reviewing business development opportunities.
1992 to 1997
Chair of Arup Electrical Computing Working Party, responsible for application/development of engineering analysis programs.
1990 to 1993
Chair of Arup Spreadsheet Committee, responsible for purchasing policy, development, training, etc.
Journal Papers
Gerstenmeyer G, Peters R D, Smith RDeparture Delays in Lift Systems (Journal Edition) Transportation Systems in Buildings Volume 2, Edition 1 (2018)
Lewry A, Hamilton L, Hadi M, Bennett J, Peters R The ‘Mind the Gap’ project : Investigating the difference, in performance, between design and the building ‘in-use’ Journal of Building Survey, Appraisal & Valuation, Volume 7 No 2 (2018)
Stefan Gerstenmeyer S, Peters R Safety distance control for multi-car lifts Building Services Engineering Research and Technology
Peters R D, Smith R, Evans E The appraisal of liftpassenger demand in modern office buildings Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, Volume 32 No 2 (2011) (republished by Elevator World September 2011 and Elevatori in March/April 2013)
Peters R D Current Technology and Future Developments in Elevator Simulation (Technical Note) International Journal of Elevator Engineers, Volume 4 No 2 (2002)
Peters R D Improvements to the Up Peak Round TripTime Calculation (Technical Note) International Journal of Elevator Engineers, Volume 3 No 1 (2000)
Pentney M, Peters R D New graphical user interface for lighting analysis International Journal of Lighting Research Technology, Volume 32 No 3 (2000)
Peters R D, Mehta P Green Lift Control StrategiesInternational Journal of Elevator Engineers Volume 2 (1998)
Peters R D, Mehta P, Haddon J Lift Traffic Analysis: General Formulae for Double Deck Lifts Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, Volume 17 No 4 (1996)
Peters R D Ideal Lift Kinematics:Derivation of Formulae for the Equations of Motion of a Lift International Journal of Elevator Engineers, Volume 1 No 1 (1996)
Peters R D Lift Traffic Analysis: Formulae for the General Case Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, volume 11 No 2 (1990) (republished by Elevator World, December 1990)
Various authors, CIBSE Guide D:2020 Transportation systems in Buildings. Peters R D principle author, Section 4, Lift traffic design using simulation and Annex 2: Lift kinematics. Contributing author Lift traffic design using calculation ISBN-987-1-912034-70-3
Various authors, CIBSE Guide D:2015 Transportation systems in Buildings. Peters R D principle author, Section 4, Advanced planning techniques and computer programmes; Section 9, Lift traffic control; Appendix A2: Lift Kinematics ISBN-987-1-906846-64-0
Various authors, The Vertical Transportation Handbook, 4th Edition. Peters R D author Section 19, Traffic Studies and Performance Evaluation using Simulation. ISBN 978-0-470-40413-3
Various authors, CIBSE Guide D:2010 Transportation systems in Buildings. Peters R D principle author, Section 4, Advanced planning techniques and computer programmes; Section 9, Lift traffic control; Appendix A2: Lift Kinematics ISBN-987-1-906846-16-1
Various authors, CIBSE Guide D:2005Transportationsystems in Buildings. Peters R D principle author, Section 4, Advanced planning techniques and computer programmes. ISBN-13: 987-1-903287-61-3#
Various authors, CIBSE Guide D:2000 Transportationsystems in Buildings. Peters R D principle author, Section 4, Advanced planning techniques and computer programmes. Principal author, Section 14 Remote monitoring and interfacing with BEMS. ISBN 1 903287 09 X
Peters RD Vertical Transportation Planning in Buildings British Library reference DX199632 (1998) (Executive Summary republished by Elevator World, November 1998; Lift Report November/December 1998; and by Elevation, Summer 1998)
Conference Papers
Appleby M, Peters RD The Round Trip Time Simulation: Monte Carlo Implementation and Consistency with Other Techniques Proceedings of the 11th Symposium on Lift & Escalator Technology (CIBSE Lifts Group, the University of Northampton and LEIA) (2020)
Peters A, Peters RD Logging and Analysis of Lift Journeys Using and AccelerometerProceedings of the 10th Symposium on Lift & Escalator Technology (CIBSE Lifts Group, the University of Northampton and LEIA) (2019)
Peters RD, Nickerson J Lift and Escalator Management Systems: Requirements and Implementation Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on Lift & Escalator Technology (CIBSE Lifts Group, the University of Northampton and LEIA) (2019)
Al-Sharif L, Gerstenmeyer S, Niebling J, Peters RD, Abbi M Using Monte Carlo Simulation in Lift Traffic Systems to Compile the Probability Density Function (PDF) for the Car-Load Data and Drive-Motor System Loading Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on Lift & Escalator Technology (CIBSE Lifts Group, the University of Northampton and LEIA) (2019)
Al-Sharif L, Peters R D Using the Monte Carlo Simulation to Evaluate the Round-Trip Time Under Destination Control Proceedings of the 9th Symposium on Lift & Escalator Technology (CIBSE Lifts Group, the University of Northampton and LEIA) (2018)
Peters R D, Dean S Expert Systems for Lift Traffic Design Proceedings of the 9th Symposium on Lift & Escalator Technology (CIBSE Lifts Group, the University of Northampton and LEIA) (2018)
Peters R D Lift Planning for High-Rise Buildings Proceedings of the 8th Symposium on Lift & Escalator Technology (CIBSE Lifts Group, the University of Northampton and LEIA) (2018)
Barney G, Peters R D The Evolution of Lift Traffic Design from Human to Expert System Proceedings of the 9th Symposium on Lift & Escalator Technology (CIBSE Lifts Group, the University of Northampton and LEIA) (2018)
Abbi M, Peters R D Determining the Number of Simulations Required for Statistically Valid Results Proceedings of the 9th Symposium on Lift & Escalator Technology (CIBSE Lifts Group, The University of Northampton and LEIA) (2018)
Gerstenmeyer S, Peters R D, Smith R Departure Delays in Lift Systems Proceedings of the 7th Symposium on Lift & Escalator Technology (CIBSE Lifts Group, The University of Northampton and LEIA) (2017)
Peters R D, Dean S Creating Passengers in Batches for Simulation Proceedings of the 7th Symposium on Lift & Escalator Technology (CIBSE Lifts Group, The University of Northampton and LEIA) (2017)
Peters R D Traffic calculations and how they compare with what happens in the real world Proceedings of the European Lift Congress Heilbronn 2016 (Technical Academy of Heilbronn eV) (2016)
Bird C, Peters R D, Evans E, Gerstenmeyer S Your Lift Journey – How Long Will You Wait? Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Lift & Escalator Technology (CIBSE Lifts Group and The University of Northampton) (2016) (republished by Elevator World May 2017)
Gerstenmeyer S, Peters R D Multicar Dispatching Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Lift & Escalator Technology (CIBSE Lifts Group and The University of Northampton) (2016)
Peters R D Global Dispatcher Interface Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Lift & Escalator Technology (CIBSE Lifts Group and The University of Northampton) (2016)
Peters R D, Al-Sharif L, Hammoudeh A T, Alniemi E,Salman A A Systematic Methodology for the Generation of Lift Passengers under a Poisson Batch Arrival Process Proceedings of The 5th Symposium on Lift & Escalator Technology (CIBSE Lifts Group and The University of Northampton) (2015) (republished by Elevator World February 2016)
Gerstenmeyer S, Peters R D Reverse Journeys and Destination Control Proceedings of The 4th Symposium on Lift & Escalator Technology (CIBSE Lifts Group and The University of Northampton) (2014)
Peters R D Elevator Dispatching Elevator Technology 20, Proceedings of ELEVCON 2014 (The International Association of Elevator Engineers) (2014)
Basagoiti R, Beamurgia M, Peters R, S Kaczmarczyk Passenger Flow Pattern Learning Based on Trip Counting in Elevator Systems Combined with Real-Time Information Proceedings of The 3rd Symposium on Lift & Escalator Technology (CIBSE Lifts Group and The University of Northampton) (2013)
Peters R DThe Application of Simulation to Traffic Design and Dispatcher Testing Proceedings of The 3rd Symposium on Lift & Escalator Technology (CIBSE Lifts Group and The University of Northampton) (2013)
Peters R D Lift Performance Time Proceedings of The 2nd Symposium on Lift & Escalator Technology (CIBSE Lifts Group and The University of Northampton) (2012)
Peters R D, Smith R Designing Elevator Installations using Modern Estimates of Passenger Demand Elevator Technology 18, Proceedings of ELEVCON 2010 (The International Association of Elevator Engineers) (2010)
Smith R, Peters R D Analysis of Elevator Performance and Passenger Demand with Destination Control Elevator Technology 17, Proceedings of ELEVCON 2008 (The International Association of Elevator Engineers) (2008)(republished by Lift Report 3/2009)
Peters R, Evans E Measuring and Simulating Elevator Passengers in Existing Buildings Elevator Technology 17, Proceedings of ELEVCON 2008 (The International Association of Elevator Engineers) (2008) (republished by Lift Report 4/2008) (republished by Elevation Autumn of 2009)
Peters R D Understanding the Benefits and Limitations of Destination Dispatch Elevator Technology 16, Proceedings of ELEVCON 2006 (The International Association of Elevator Engineers) (2006)
Al-Sharif L, Peters R D, Smith R Elevator Energy Simulation Model Elevator Technology 14, Proceedings of ELEVCON 2004 (The International Association of Elevator Engineers) (2004) (republished by Elevator World November 2004)
Smith R, Peters R D Enhancements to the ETD Dispatcher Algorithm Elevator Technology 14, Proceedings of ELEVCON 2004 (The International Association of Elevator Engineers)(2004)
Smith R, Peters R D ETD Algorithm with Destination Dispatch and Booster Options Elevator Technology 12, Proceedings of ELEVCON 2002 (The International Association of Elevator Engineers) (2002) (republished by Elevator World July 2002, and by Lift Report 2/2003)
Peters R D, Sung C M Beyond the Up Peak Elevator Technology 10, Proceedings of ELEVCON 2000 (The International Association of Elevator Engineers) (2000) (republished by Lift Report, July/August 2001 and by Elevatori, November/December 2000)
Peters R D Simulation for Control System Design and Traffic Analysis Elevator Technology 9, Proceedings of ELEVCON ’98 (The International Association of Elevator Engineers) (1998) (republished by Elevatori, January/February 1999)
Peters R D Risk and the Vertical Transportation Industry Elevator Technology 7, Proceedings of ELEVCON ’96 (The International Association of Elevator Engineers) (1996) (republished by Lift Report, January 1998)
Peters R D, Mehta P, Haddon J Lift Passenger Traffic Patterns: Applications, Current Knowledge and Measurement Elevator Technology 7, Proceedings of ELEVCON ’96 (The International Association of Elevator Engineers) (1996) (also presented at IAEE London Lift Seminar May 1997) (republished by Elevator World, September 2000)
Peters R D Mathematical Modelling of Lift Drive Motion and Energy Consumption Proceedings of CIBSE National Conference 1995 (The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers)(1995) (republished by Elevator World July 1996)
Peters R D Ideal Lift Kinematics: Complete Equations for Plotting Optimum Motion Elevator Technology 6, Proceedings of ELEVCON ’95 (The International Association of Elevator Engineers) (1995) (republished by Elevator World, April 1996 and Elevatori May/June 1996)
Peters R D General Analysis Double Decker Lift Calculations Elevator Technology 6, Proceedings of ELEVCON ’95 (The International Association of Elevator Engineers) (1995) (republished by Elevator World, December 1996 and by Elevatori, May/June 1997)
Peters R D Green Lifts? Proceedings of CIBSE National Conference 1994 (The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers)(1994). Republished by Elevator World (June 1995) and by Elevation (Autumn 1995)
Peters R D The Theory and Practice of General Analysis Lift Calculations Elevator Technology 4, Proceedings of ELEVCON ’92 (The International Association of Elevator Engineers)(1992)
Smith R, Huff R, Peters R, Powell Bruce, Thumm Elevator Systems with Virtual Landings US 8,100,230 (Jan 24 2012)
Smith R, Peters R D Saturation Control for Destination Dispatch Systems US 7,975,808 B2 (12 Jul 2011)
Smith R, Huff R, Peters R, Powell Bruce, Thumm Twin Elevator Systems US 7,841,450 (30 Nov 2010)
Smith R, Peters R D, Al-Sharif L Energy EfficientElevator System 2008/007374020 B2 (20 May 2008)
Smith R, Peters R D, Al-Sharif L Method and Apparatus to Prevent or Minimize the Entrapment of Passengers in Elevators During a Power Failure US 2007/0084673 A1 (19 April 2007)
Smith R, Peters R D, Al-Sharif L Method and Apparatus to Prevent or Minimize the Entrapment of Passengers in Elevators During a Power Failure EP 1 937 580 B1 (4 June 2014)
Smith R, Peters R D Method and Apparatus for Assigning Elevator Hall Calls to Minimize Energy Use US 7,032,715 B2 (25 April 2006)
Smith R, Peters R D Increasing Traffic Handling Performance of an Elevator System Based Upon Load US 7,011,184 B2 (14 Mar 2006)
Smith R, Peters R D, Al-Sharif L Method and Apparatus for Reducing the Energy Consumption of Elevators Equipped with SCR Drives US 2005/0189180 A1 (1 Sept 2005)
Smith R, Peters R D Method and Apparatus for Increasing the Traffic Handling Performance of an Elevator System US 6,619,434 B1 (16 Sept 2003)
Smith R, Peters R D Method and Apparatus to Reduce Waiting Times for Destination Based Dispatching Systems Patent Application