Version History
Below is the version history for the Elevate Traffic Analysis & Simulation software.
Update HASP drivers.
Allow for exceptions in auto speed selection (where no speed was selected).
Extend expiry dates for licenses depending on unlocking codes.
Include results for all runs in WorstAverageWaitingTimeDuringAnyFiveMinutePeriod, WorstAverageTransitTimeDuringAnyFiveMinutePeriod and WorstAverageTimeToDestinationDuringAnyFiveMinutePeriod result for batch-results.csv summary spreadsheet.
Correction to display of heat output graph for 24-hour runs.
Fix problem with results not reflecting advanced results filter options
Extend expiry dates for time-limited versions.
Updates to external dispatcher interface related to conventional control
Add worst time to destination to graphs and batch spreadsheet output.
Reinstate and extend the command line option.
Minor debugging external dispatcher door operation.
Correct auto area calculation for 6000 lb elevator.
Correct external dispatcher door beams messages for double deck lifts.
Fix memory overrun for massive queue lengths.
Improve ETA operation when being used as a shuttle so that home floors can be top floor.
Allow intermediate floors when double deck lifts are used with heavy uppeak mode as shuttle lift.
Resolve a problem for external dispatchers with the doors re-opening when a call is placed while the elevator is already at landing.
Resolve a problem with ETA algorithm crashing Elevate.
Add messages for external dispatchers to identify learning runs.
Resolve a dynamic kinematics problem which occasionally reported incorrect quickest stop floor.
Extend to 1 December 2023 the expiry of TK Elevator algorithms for those with access to this feature.
Includes a preview of the new Elevate Dispatch algorithm. This is an Alpha Test version only of the dispatcher and should not be used for design at this stage. Please continue to use the Standard algorithms. Currently, Elevate Dispatch features include destination control for single and double-deck elevators, and a combination of single and double deck together in a single group.
Fix crash with ETA algorithm
Improve installation program addressing all known issues with Elevate 9 installer.
Add dynamic profiles to Tools, Kinematics - allows modelling of trips where elevators change speed during the trip.
Extensive additions to external dispatcher options, supporting third party use of this feature.
Extend expiry dates for customers using unlocking and upgrade codes.
Fix bug which sometimes caused Elevate to crash when using the Destination Control (ACA) dispatcher.
Restore consistency of results with Elevate 8.
Fix some issues causing Elevate to crash for systems using destination control.
Fix some issues with the new Elevate 9 installer.
Enable External Dispatcher option, including example random dispatcher illustrating mix of lift types in the same group, and new Elevate 9 faclity to run an external dispatcher with Elevate.
First release of Elevate 9. Commencement of release of new features starting with:
- auto-selection of speed, acceleration, and jerk according to CIBSE Guide D 2020.
- new ISO 8100-32:2020 template to support design to this standard
- new PCA templates to support design to Property Council of Australia guidelines (2019)
Note in some instances the results of Elevate 9 will be very marginally better than the results of Elevate 8. They could also be worse, but only when the enhancement is lost in statistical noise due to insufficient sample size (which can be addressed by increasing the number of simulations run in Analysis Data). The improvement is due to an increased efficiency within the software; a destination call is more consistently placed, allocated and the allocation returned to that passenger within a single time slice.
New installer removing dependency on .Net Framework 3.5.
Extension of expiry for company license versions.
This download also includes Elevate Version 8.28. This version is the same as 8.27 except that it extends the expiry for company licenses.
Minor bug fixes and extension of expiry for company license versions.
Improvements to the TWIN up peak algorithm (effects ThyssenKrupp versions only).
Update to Lerch Bates unlocking codes option (effects Lerch Bates versions only).
Improvements to double-deck destination control algorithm
Add arrangement, Double Deck with odd to even floor inter-floor traffic
Add queue lengths by lift - access these from the Graphs data button
Spreadsheet output now provides spatial plot data according to the selected run
Fix report pagination issues for dispatching algorithms where the user selects which floor destination control input stations are provided
Extend unloading code expiry dates for ThyssenKrupp and company versions
Add average maximum queue length to batch output
Update Thyssenkrupp logo for thyseenkrupp version
Add new version including features as specified by ThyssenKrupp.
Add exclusive group to option for Destination Control(ACA)
Add passenger batching option (beta)
Extend unloading code expiry dates for ThyssenKrupp and company versions
For Peters Research version, add AWT output for each run in spreadsheet output
Fix bug where Elevate did not complete a double-deck destination simulation. Where not all floor served, in some instances upper car doors started closing immediately after they opened.
Update thyssenkrupp logo for thyseenkrupp version
Add support for latest Elevate Perform accelerometer. Extend thyssenkrupp features expiry.
Address some rounding errors which occasionally affected how Elevate identified the express zone in round trip time calculations. Add data check: double deck general analysis needs to have even number of express floors.
Create a PDF of your Elevate report with a single click
Record a video of your simulation to playback in PowerPoint or on the web
Select graphs to be plotted in black/white or colour
More design templates based on our traffic studies in actual office buildings
Enhancements to the destination control algorithm including an option for destination input on selected floors only
Extended facilities for software developers implementing their own dispatchers in Elevate
Improved tools to assist modelling of elevator kinematics and energy consumption
Improved simulation modelling of double deck elevators removing the restriction of odd to odd and even to even floor traffic only
Elevate Live Features
Double Deck Simulation
Improved Passenger Generator
Improved Graphics
Graph Data
XML Interface
Facility for multiple external (custom) dispatcher libraries
Pause and Look feature
Vastly improved speed of simulation
Enhanced graphical results
User defined reports
Proforma traffic templates
Archive feature
Improved graphics during simulation
More advanced options for dispatcher algorithms
Batch mode
Additional Dispatch Algorithms including ETA and Destination Dispatch.
Import your own logo for on-screen presentations and reports.
Windows XP compatible.
Improvements in speed due to enhanced memory management.
Next and Back buttons for faster data entry.
Custom speed fill function for building data.
Simulation pause button.
Run multiple simulations.
Simple definition of mixed traffic flows, e.g. total 15%, split 40% up, 40% down, 20% interfloor.
Kinematics Tools.
Additional results in spreadsheet output.
Double deck elevator calculation (using General Analysis round trip time model). Transfer input data and results to a spreadsheet at the click of a button.
In simulation, facility to specify which elevators serves which floors (e.g. not all elevators may serve the basement).
In standard Elevator Data mode, facility for user to edit the list of "standard" elevator speeds and sizes.
Full set of "remote monitoring" results including system response time and dispatch interval.
Ability to insert your company name on Elevate presentations prepared for your customers.