Elevate ThyssenKrupp Version


This web page is provided by Peters Research Ltd for ThyssenKrupp users of Elevate.  The ThyssenKrupp version of Elevate expires annually for security reasons, so to keep using it you will need to install an upgrade when requested.

Installing the software

The following instructions apply both if you are upgrading to the latest version of Elevate, and if you are installing Elevate for the first time.  Common installation problems are noted on the Elevate support pages.

Step 1 – download

To download Elevate, follow this link. You will need to fill in a form which will check you are using a ThyssenKrupp email address, and then send you the download link.  We recommend that you download this installation file to the My Documents folder.  Windows XP is no longer supported, please use Windows 7 or later.

Step 2 – install

From the target location that you selected in Step 1, double click on the installation file.  Follow the on-screen instructions to install or to upgrade Elevate.

Step 3 – start program

To start the program, double click on the Elevate icon on the desktop.  Elevate will present a “Welcome” dialog box.  If it does not, then the program is already unlocked, and you may skip Steps 4 and 5.

Step 4 – request unlocking code

To turn off demonstration mode, you will need an unlocking code.  To obtain an unlocking code, complete the details in this form.  Your unlocking code will be emailed to the representative in your region who will forward it to you.

Step 5 – unlock Elevate

When you have been issued with an unlocking code, enter this into the Elevate welcome dialog box.  You will now be able to run Elevate.  You will be required to enter the unlocking code only the first time.  After that, access to Elevate will be immediate.

Step 6 – tidy up

Once Elevate is running properly, we recommended that you delete the setup file from your PC.  With Windows Explorer, go to the folder which you designated in Step 1 and delete the installation file.


ThyssenKrupp has a global site licence for Elevate.  Unlocking codes may be requested for copies of Elevate installed on ThyssenKrupp-owned computers for use by only by ThyssenKrupp employees.  Inappropriate use of the software contravenes the agreement between ThyssenKrupp and Peters Research Ltd. and is illegal.  All requests for unlocking codes are monitored.