Articles & Papers

Our published articles and papers are listed below. You can also see more papers at the Lift and Escalator Library.

A review of Waiting Time, Journey Time and Quality of Service

A Systematic Methodology for the Generation of Lift Passengers under a Poisson Batch Arrival Process

A Template for an Undergraduate Elective Final Year Lift (Elevator) Engineering Course

An Alternate Approach to Traffic Analysis for Residential Buildings

Analysis of Elevator Performance and Passenger Demand with Destination Control

Beyond the Up Peak

Cabin Ventilation, Code Requirements and Experimental Results

CIBSE Traffic Analysis & Simulation Open Forum Report

Creating Passengers in Batches for Simulation

Current Technology and Future Developments in Elevator Simulation

Departure Delays in Lift Systems

Departure Delays in Lift Systems (Journal Edition)

Designing Elevator Installations Using Modern Estimates of Passenger Demand

Designing Elevator Installations Using Modern Estimates of Passenger Demand and Currently Available Elevator Technologies

Determining the Number of Simulations Required for Statistically Valid Results

Elevator Dispatching

Elevator Energy Simulation Model

Enhancements to the ETD Dispatcher Algorithm

ETD Algorithm with Destination Dispatch and Booster Options

Expert Systems for Lift Traffic Design

General Analysis Double Decker Lift Calculations

Global Dispatcher Interface

Green Lift Control Strategies

Green Lifts?

Ideal Lift Kinematics

Improvements to the Up Peak Round Trip Time Calculation

Lift and Escalator Management Systems: Requirements and Implementation

Lift Passenger Traffic Patterns: Applications, Current Knowledge and Measurement

Lift Performance Time

Lift Planning for High-Rise Buildings

Lift Traffic Analysis: Formulae for the General Case

Lift Traffic Analysis: General Formulae for Double-deck Lifts

Lifts Without Ropes: How Many Shafts and Cars Are Needed?

Logging and Analysis of Lift Journeys Using an Accelerometer

Mathematical Modelling of Lift Drive Motion and Energy Consumption

Measuring and Simulating Elevator Passengers in Buildings

Multicar Dispatching

Origin Destination Matrix Estimation and Prediction in Vertical Transportation

Passenger Flow Pattern Learning Based on Trip Counting in Lift Systems Combined with Real Time Information

Reverse journeys and destination control

Robots, a New Class of Passenger

Robots, Non-human Passengers

Simulation for Control System Design and Traffic Analysis

The Application of Simulation to Traffic Design and Dispatcher Testing

The Appraisal of Lift Passenger Demand in Modern Office Buildings

The Evolution of Lift Traffic Design from Human to Expert System

The Internet of Things, Big Data, Machine Learning, and the Lift & Escalator Industry

The Role of Economic Factors in Traffic Planning and Selection of Lift Equipment

The Theory and Practice of General Analysis Lift Calculations

Towards a Systematic Methodology for the Design of Elevator Traffic Systems in High Rise Office Buildings

Traffic analysis based on the Up Peak Round Trip Time method. Why it works and how it can be improved

Traffic calculations and how they compare with what happens in the real world

Under Lifted Buildings in the Middle East

Understanding EN 81-77: 2013 & prEN 81-77: 2017: Lifts Subject to Seismic Conditions

Understanding GBT 24476 – 2017: China’s Technical Specifications for Internet of Things For Lifts, Escalators And Moving Walks

Understanding the Benefits and Limitations of Destination Dispatch

Using Monte Carlo Simulation in Lift Traffic Systems to Compile the Probability Density Function (PDF) for the Car-Load Data and Drive-Motor System Loading

Using the Monte Carlo Simulation to Evaluate the Round-Trip Time Under Destination Group Control

Your Lift Journey: How Long Will You Wait?